Gibbed Mass Effect 3 Save Editor Download (2025)

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Gibbed Mass Effect 3 Save Editor Download (1)

  1. Gibbed Mass Effect 3 Save Editor Download Windows 7
  2. Gibbed Mass Effect 3 Save Editor Download Pc
  3. Gibbed's Mass Effect 3 Tools

This is the last known version of the Gibbed Mass Effect 3 Save Editor (R90.B116). This was my own personal edited copy. I spent countless hours going over the plot IDs from ME1 to ME3 correcting inaccuracies, adding new IDs from multiple sources, and added notes and useful configurations that I used most with playing on both console and PC. In this short video I gonna show you basically how the ME3 Save Editor by Gibbed works, if you've any questions comment below, you may also catch me on twitt.

Mass Effect 2 Gibbed Save Editor

Where To Get It

Gibbed Save Editor for Mass Effect 2

Download the most recent version from here: Gibbed Save Editor ME2

This tool does not edit the coalesced.ini file. It only edits a selected save file from your game. You use this tool to change the appearance of your Shepard, add talent points, credits, and even change plot point resolutions.

How To Use It

Because somehow i always forget and fuck shit up

Before you do anything, back up your save files by copying and pasting the files to a safe place. I like to use the desktop. Once you've done that, follow these steps:

  1. Open Gibbed Save Editor for Mass Effect 2 application. It doesn't matter where you unzip the downloaded folder or where you run it.
  2. Click the folder icon in it's menu and navigate to where Mass Effect 2 stores saves: Documents > BioWare > Mass Effect 2 > Save
  3. Select the character file you wish to edit and the most recent save.
  4. Click open and the box will disappear and you'll see your Shepard's information has been loaded into the Player > Basic tab.

Once you've opened the correct save in Gibbed, we're ready to start playing around.


From getting free credits to appearance modifiers

I'd like to first recognize the sources for this information—none of it is my work. I'll be linking to the original articles as I go. The reason the information is repurposed here is that I was afraid the links would over time die out and I wouldn't have the information anymore. I'm very grateful to the original authors and all their hard work.

Quick Tweaks & Cheats

From Okogawa's Gibbed Guide

Modify Class Mid-Game:
Raw > [+] Player

Here you can modify Class Name and Class Friendly Name fields. Your talent points will be reset to a null value of -1, so remember to go back and replace the talent point number on the Player > Basic screen with the desired number.

To become a Sentinel:
Class Friendly name: 93951
Class Name: SFXGame.SFXPawn_PlayerSentinel

To become a Soldier:
Class Friendly name: 93952
Class Name: SFXGame.SFXPawn_PlayerSoldier

To become a Engineer:
Class Friendly name: 93953
Class Name: SFXGame.SFXPawn_PlayerEngineer

To become a Adept:
Class Friendly name: 93954
Class Name: SFXGame.SFXPawn_PlayerAdept

To become an Infiltrator
Class Friendly name: 93955
Class Name: SFXGame.SFXPawn_PlayerInfiltrator

To become an Vanguard:
Class Friendly name: 93956
Class Name: SFXGame.SFXPawn_PlayerVanguard

Change Your Name Mid-Game:
Raw > [+] Player

Here you can modify First Name field. Click on the field that contains the current name and change it.

Change Your Hair Mid-Game (female only):
Raw > [+] Player > [+] Appearance > [+] Morph Head > Hair Mesh

Here you can modify Hair Mesh field with any of the below codes to replace your hair style. Note: might be smart to save the current code if you want to revert back to it later.






Then locate Texture Parameters field, click 'Collection' […] and change the four fields values to (which ever correspondes to the selection above):

Hair_Diff: BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Mom.HMF_HIR_Mom_Diff
Hair_Norm: BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Mom.HMF_HIR_Mom_Norm
Hair_mask: BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Mom.HMF_HIR_Mom_Mask
Hair_tang: BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Mom.HMF_HIR_Mom_Tang

Gibbed Mass Effect 3 Save Editor Download (2)

For the 'BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Cyberbabe.HMF_HIR_Cyb_MDL'
Hair_Diff: BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Cyberbabe.HMF_HIR_Cyb_Diff
Hair_Norm: BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Cyberbabe.HMF_HIR_Cyb_Norm
Hair_mask: BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Cyberbabe.HMF_HIR_Cyb_Mask
Hair_tang: BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Cyberbabe.HMF_HIR_Cyb_Tang

Hair_Diff: BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Ashley.HMF_HIR_PROAshley_Diff
Hair_Norm: BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Ashley.HMF_HIR_PROAshley_Norm
Hair_mask: BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Ashley.HMF_HIR_PROAshley_Mask
Hair_tang: BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Ashley.HMF_HIR_PROAshley_Tang

Gibbed Mass Effect 3 Save Editor Download (3)

For the 'BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Cyberbabe.HMF_HIR_Cyb_MDL'
Hair_Diff: BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Cyberbabe.HMF_HIR_Cyb_Diff
Hair_Norm: BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Cyberbabe.HMF_HIR_Cyb_Norm
Hair_mask: BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Cyberbabe.HMF_HIR_Cyb_Mask
Hair_tang: BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Cyberbabe.HMF_HIR_Cyb_Tang

Hair_Diff: BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Ashley.HMF_HIR_PROAshley_Diff
Hair_Norm: BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Ashley.HMF_HIR_PROAshley_Norm
Hair_mask: BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Ashley.HMF_HIR_PROAshley_Mask
Hair_tang: BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Ashley.HMF_HIR_PROAshley_Tang

Hair_Diff: BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Sexy.HMF_HIR_Sxy_Diff
Hair_Norm: BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Sexy.HMF_HIR_Sxy_Norm
Hair_mask: BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Sexy.HMF_HIR_Sxy_Mask
Hair_tang: BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Sexy.HMF_HIR_Sxy_Tang

Hair_Diff: BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Mohawk.HMF_HIR_Mhk_Diff
Hair_Norm: BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Mohawk.HMF_HIR_Mhk_Norm
Hair_mask: BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Mohawk.HMF_HIR_Mhk_Mask
Hair_tang: BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Mohawk.HMF_HIR_Mhk_Tang

Appearance modding, iris color, hair and more will be on a separate post with the corresponding imagery. It always bothers me when I have to adjust the code, go into the game, leave the game, adjust code again, repeat 1000 times. Better to just have an image for reference.

If you have any other codes to add to the above ones, please contact me with the subject line: 'Shepard ME2 General Codes'. Add your name if you want credit.

This is where you can do some interesting things like give Shepard glossy lips.

Open your save in Gibbed.

Click over to 'Raw'-> Player -> Appearance -> Headmorph

Scalar Parameters

Click the [...] button to the right of (Collection) next to Scalar Parameters to open up a 2nd window.

A list of useful values and what they mean:

HED_Blush_Scalar - Controls blush transparency. Zero will be nothing, one will be quite heavy. Anything higher and you're probably heading into clown territory, depending on what color your blush is (more on color selection later.)


HED_Addn_SPwr_Lips_Scalar - Together these two control lip shine. For example in the picture above I have the first set at '10' and the second set at '100'. Zero for both means no extra shine.

HED_Addn_Blowout_Scalar - How dark custom eyebrows are saturated with color. Default femshep won't be affected because her eyebrows are painted on her face, but this can be used on any character creator femshep. '0.5' will be very thin brows - '1.5' will be very dark.

HED_Lips_Tint_Scalar - Controls lip color transparency. Same as blush, zero is nothing - one is about normal and anything higher is subjective.

HED_EyeShadow_Tint_Scalar - eyeliner heaviness

HED_Brow_Tint_Scalar - eyeshadow heaviness

In ME3 both will be much lighter than in previous games, and the eyeliner is less defined. The ME3_legacy_makeupmask.tpf I have in my default femshep download will return it to its previous appearance. The texture overhaul also includes a modified version.

Gibbed Mass Effect 3 Save Editor Download Windows 7

HED_SPwr_Scalar - How much light Shepard's face emits, for lack of a better descriptor. Higher values will make her glow more.

Hightlight1Intensity - How much hair highlight color 1 shows/shininess

Hightlight2Intensity - How much hair highlight color 2 shows/shininess

Vector Parameters (aka color values)

ME3 Gibbed has a user friendly color interface that comes up in the Appearance tab. Click the value you want to edit and the Change Color button to bring up the color wheel.

HED_Blush_Vector - Blush color

SkinTone - Skin Color

EYE_White_Colour_Vector - Eye color (area around the iris)

EYE_Iris_Colour_Vector - Eye color (iris)

HED_Hair_Colour_Vector - Base hair color

HED_Addn_Colour_Vector - Eyebrow color

HED_Lips_Tint_Vector - Lipstick color

HED_EyeShadow_Tint_Vector - Eyeliner color

HED_Brow_Tint_Vector - Eyeshadow color

Highlight1Color - Hair highlight color

Highlight2Color - 2nd hair highlight color

The old way...also useful for transferring values from ME2 save editor.

Opening 'Vector Parameters' (Collection) in the 'Raw' tab will bring up the RGB number values.

Texture Parameters

This is where you specify which textures (such as diffuse, spec, and normal maps) are used on Shepard. A list of mined values is HERE.

Diffuse: The visible flat texture most people think of when they are thinking about game textures

Spec: Controls how light reflects and interacts with an object

Mask: Looks black and white, determines where color is visible or transparent, like on eyelashes. Think of it like a stencil.

HED_Scalp_Diff - Scalp diffuse

HED_Scalp_Norm - Scalp normal map (also known as a bump map)

Gibbed Mass Effect 3 Save Editor Download Pc

HAIR_Diff - Hair diffuse

HED_Diff - Face diffuse

HED_Lash_Diff - Eyelash mask

HED_Norm - Face normal map

HED_Makeup_Mask - Makeup mask

HAIR_Mask - Hair mask

Gibbed's Mass Effect 3 Tools

HED_Brow - Eyebrow mask

For a nice visual guide to makeup, color, and eyebrows check out this blog by Corora: link

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    Gibbed Mass Effect 3 Save Editor Download (2025)
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    Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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    Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

    Birthday: 1997-12-21

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    Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.