Local Descriptions
Order descriptions by: Robust vines clambering on the ground and on shrubs, occasionally high climbing; stems terete, branching, puberulent with appressed short hairs. Leaves pinnate trifoliolate, the leaflets often large and somewhat felty, broadly ovate, often 3-lobate, apically short acuminate, the sinuses rounded to obtuse, mucron- ulate, basally rounded, truncate or subcordate, 3 nerved from the base and pin- nate veined above, discolorous, appressed pubescent on both sides, often with coarse hairs, often ca. 15 cm long and 15 cm wide, the lateral leaflets strongly oblique; petiolules 4-7 mm long, often stout, tomentose; rachis 2-5 cm long; petioles shorter than the terminal leaflet; stipels linear, pubescent, 4-7 mm long; stipules oblong or ovate, puberulent, 4-8 mm long and produced 3-5 mm below the point of insertion, the insertion point ovate. Inflorescences often few, to 30 cm long, the peduncle stout, pubescent, sometimes with 1 or 2 empty stipule-like bracts along its length; rachis slightly thinner, often more than twice as long as the peduncle; pedicels 3-6 mm long, pubescent, inserted mostly in 3's at the nodes; bracts ovate and stipule-like, caducous; bracteoles ovate, ciliate and pu- bescent, 3-5 mm long. Flowers pink or violet, ca. 2 cm long, the calyx campan- ulate, puberulent outside, the cup ca. 5 mm long, the lobes obtuse, unequal, the upper pair mostly or completely fused into a lip, the lowest tooth narrow and usually longest; corolla with the standard broad, emarginate, glabrous, slightly shorter than the wings and the keel, with 2 minute basal auricles, the wings oblong, medially coherent; stamens 10, the vexillary stamen free at the base, perhaps fused to the filament column part way up, the anthers all alike; ovary pubescent, the style and the stigma glabrous, the style bent abruptly upwards. Legume oblong, 4-6 cm long, 4-7 mm wide, long beaked, flat and compressed slightly between the seeds, drying dark, copiously pilose with long, 2-3 mm, yellowish hairs. Perennial climber. Stem twining, setose. Stipules 10-12 mm long, free lateral, setose. Leaf pinnately trifoliolate, petiole 5-30 cm long, pilose. Stipels 8 mm long, setose, petiolule 5-8 mm long, pilose, lamina 7.5-21 cm long, 7.5-20.0 cm broad, broadly ovate to trilobed, tip acute, pubescent on both sides. Inflorescence an axillary, peduncled raceme, 15-32 cm long, velutinous, peduncle 2-3 cm long. Bracts c. 3 mm long, pilose to setose. Pedicel c. 7 mm long, pilose. Calyx 10-14 mm long, setose, teeth unequal, longest 7-12 mm long. Corolla purple with yellow spot at the base of the standard. Vexillum c. 15-18 cm long. Fruit c. 2.5-6.0 cm long, 7-8 mm broad, hispid, hairs brown. Stems 10–30 m, the younger parts hairy; lfls broadly ovate to subrotund, 10–15 cm, often 2–3-lobed, hairy beneath; infls 1–2 dm, the axis and pedicels densely sericeous; fls 2–2.5 cm; lowest cal-lobe 8–12 mm; standard yellow at base; fr 4–5 cm; 2n=22, 24. Native of Japan, China, and Korea, cult. for forage and erosion-control in se. U.S., escaped and extending n. into the s. part of our range, sometimes even to Mass., N.Y., and O. Late summer. (P. thunbergiana) Stängel bis 20 m, verholzt, windend. Blätter 3zählig, lang gestielt. Teilblätter meist 2–3lappig, ganzrandig, 5–20 cm lang, das mittlere lang, die seitlichen kurz gestielt. Blüten in bis 25 cm langen, 20–50blütigen Trauben. Krone purpurn vines 7–8. Besonders im südlichen TI kultiviert und gelegentlich verwildert. Perennial climber. Stem twining, setose. Stipules 10-12 mm long, free lateral, setose. Leaf pinnately trifoliolate, petiole 5-30 cm long, pilose. Stipels 8 mm long, setose, petiolule 5-8 mm long, pilose, lamina 7.5-21 cm long, 7.5-20.0 cm broad, broadly ovate to trilobed, tip acute, pubescent on both sides. Inflorescence an axillary, peduncled raceme, 15-32 cm long, velutinous, peduncle 2-3 cm long. Bracts c. 3 mm long, pilose to setose. Pedicel c. 7 mm long, pilose. Calyx 10-14 mm long, setose, teeth unequal, longest 7-12 mm long. Corolla purple with yellow spot at the base of the standard. Vexillum c. 15-18 cm long. Fruit c. 2.5-6.0 cm long, 7-8 mm broad, hispid, hairs brown. vines Robust vines clambering on the ground and on shrubs, occasionally high climbing; stems terete, branching, puberulent with appressed short hairs. Leaves pinnate trifoliolate, the leaflets often large and somewhat felty, broadly ovate, often 3-lobate, apically short acuminate, the sinuses rounded to obtuse, mucron- ulate, basally rounded, truncate or subcordate, 3 nerved from the base and pin- nate veined above, discolorous, appressed pubescent on both sides, often with coarse hairs, often ca. 15 cm long and 15 cm wide, the lateral leaflets strongly oblique; petiolules 4-7 mm long, often stout, tomentose; rachis 2-5 cm long; petioles shorter than the terminal leaflet; stipels linear, pubescent, 4-7 mm long; stipules oblong or ovate, puberulent, 4-8 mm long and produced 3-5 mm below the point of insertion, the insertion point ovate. Inflorescences often few, to 30 cm long, the peduncle stout, pubescent, sometimes with 1 or 2 empty stipule-like bracts along its length; rachis slightly thinner, often more than twice as long as the peduncle; pedicels 3-6 mm long, pubescent, inserted mostly in 3's at the nodes; bracts ovate and stipule-like, caducous; bracteoles ovate, ciliate and pu- bescent, 3-5 mm long. Flowers pink or violet, ca. 2 cm long, the calyx campan- ulate, puberulent outside, the cup ca. 5 mm long, the lobes obtuse, unequal, the upper pair mostly or completely fused into a lip, the lowest tooth narrow and usually longest; corolla with the standard broad, emarginate, glabrous, slightly shorter than the wings and the keel, with 2 minute basal auricles, the wings oblong, medially coherent; stamens 10, the vexillary stamen free at the base, perhaps fused to the filament column part way up, the anthers all alike; ovary pubescent, the style and the stigma glabrous, the style bent abruptly upwards. Legume oblong, 4-6 cm long, 4-7 mm wide, long beaked, flat and compressed slightly between the seeds, drying dark, copiously pilose with long, 2-3 mm, yellowish hairs. Stems 10–30 m, the younger parts hairy; lfls broadly ovate to subrotund, 10–15 cm, often 2–3-lobed, hairy beneath; infls 1–2 dm, the axis and pedicels densely sericeous; fls 2–2.5 cm; lowest cal-lobe 8–12 mm; standard yellow at base; fr 4–5 cm; 2n=22, 24. Native of Japan, China, and Korea, cult. for forage and erosion-control in se. U.S., escaped and extending n. into the s. part of our range, sometimes even to Mass., N.Y., and O. Late summer. (P. thunbergiana) Stängel bis 20 m, verholzt, windend. Blätter 3zählig, lang gestielt. Teilblätter meist 2–3lappig, ganzrandig, 5–20 cm lang, das mittlere lang, die seitlichen kurz gestielt. Blüten in bis 25 cm langen, 20–50blütigen Trauben. Krone purpurn 7–8. Besonders im südlichen TI kultiviert und gelegentlich verwildert.General Information
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