The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)

THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD, SATURDAY, JANUARY 29, 1921. 15 WANTED TO PUECHABE. capital baa baea made by a wrltlDf-np of aa- sats whose Increased value la due merely to and tba market rate of dlsooont tor threa months bills Is unchanged at per cent. AMUsem*nTS. MONETARY AND COMMERCIAL the tomporarr condition ot tba times a Taluei which la ftlroadr beginning to tumble lake I the oaae of tba ralue ot ateamera, of which wo bare bad somo cables recently what wlll'ii.

nianlan, ti to Victorian, 110 to sM15! victorUn uMks, to 7 I bark, prime 813, good 2 to milti 24 to SSl ALEXANDRIA SALS TABOS. Thtr wu a fair yarding jrtMtcfdiy at AlXBndria. The. ouaJltj of forage lines aUil blow "primo." Good lota were quickly dUpoaed of. There a amall quintliy of potato.

The nianifrat indicated lit trucka of hay, atntw. and i i II Eiam' 1111(1 11 01 vegetabiei aa la poaltion. OuUtanillntf trucka of produce totalled 830, and there were 53 trucks loalinjr for reconiitfnmeiit. I'fll low ilio' rntoa uoro rnmnl Wheaten chuff, 5 to 710; oaten efcaff, tA to v.iv;, uu( -iv tu ota, luvcxiie nay, oaten liar. VII.

Potatoes, .510 to onions, up to 7. FRUIT MARKET. maw artorlc. mmma. -u.

or niMCT fruit were aBata araUable oriXior iaSSSSE" uH imal, WZll, "Til1 Ch0iC0 ruit welL a i the Mr. be be the position? Sach companies will And themselves with true watered capital, their ,0680 ts will be less In value than the capital which baa been issued as paid up. Drastlo Miinii, 1 (i -tt la" shareholders of companies whose capital haa boen Increased, either by a distribution of reserves or by a wrltlng-up of their assets, have found that such Increases have been I the case of reserves should they have been accumulated the Inception of the taxation, they will be aa-is. sossed for tax, subject to tlio paymont made bi tho company on them In past years aa un- N. a.

WORK AND SACRIFICE. TO THE EDITOR OF TUB HERALD. Sir, Some 12 years ago a book called "Eng. .7 "SO uww 6 I the English, from an American Po ut iana anu of View, Collier. ,7 iv uiiftut, vi iumit-ev your notice bo me of hie general wuicn Bem csnociaiiy anuiicabie to me ire- eent day, "it is the gnastlr oortent of tne time that social and political forces are demanding tuat men snoclu work leas Instead of planning to make It wholesome for tbora to work more.

Work and nothing olso, and nothing less, la man's uulvation." "At the hour of this writing practically overy Important legislative movement Is, in some sort, a plea and a plan to soften men, to lessen their responsibilities, and to make them feel that they need not earn their opportunities." "This new god Is to be fed and educated for nothing as a child; Is to work only eight hours a day as an adult; Is to be pensioned at 70, and never to bear a croBs, much less be nailed upon ono. If by any means it can be avoiaea." "The' only labour that counts for any thine; In the world has always boon, and lUwuya will be, born of pain. That iu Its Rlory, The nearer iaoour comes to being a saurince ot self, the nearer the labourer comes to being GOVERNMENT STOCKS, Quotations of Qovernment stock, In eons Parisou with those of a week ac. ure: Jam. 20.

Jan. 17. War Lou, dct a as, 48J j'wosith Jumbeof N.s.w., mil, Jan. -July VI 74 6i 1 N.D.W.. 8.

IBM. iI" N.3.W., ikhmo. Victoria, 5,, 11121.20, victoria, si, hom*o, 02 Vlciorla, 8, waMu, Jiui.vluly 'il 'SjU', 1 SO jSJj.Sz 87, mi eu SI 67 Zealand, 4, L'rjO, Uay-Kov. 64 68 Australia, 3j. H'30.

Jan. July 81, loie, or alter riiS 00 eat 7j FOREIGN EXCHANGE. Rates of foreign exchange on London, In com- parison wun rates previoueiy quotoo, are I ZtlJiui 37 Par. Vork, cable IPoHnr. to 41....

1 3.78 S.HJD 1 3.78 S.86 6 to 7 imMmtomiinnlLZ Kt Morrinon; Lady Tsyche. Pattl Rusbelli Uelhwu K. JAi.n aJ'ii Carter: 8adlaiW, Uyri Wulkclyj Chloe, Jes- distributed proots. In the case of a writing- W.A., 3), 1020-80, Uuy Nor. up of assets, the income tax will be paid byiw-4-' "i-.

"ay-Kor. UWIU UUU HUIIIL. IjUUOUr IH UIKH11IVU UUirii.n.mala 1 .11 r.l It. II. nero ana a saint.

Labour is digniucd only when It c.eases to watch the clock, and whenjfe old (Jold aud Silver Jewellery, etc. BiJt. AND SHAKES I menta on the Stock Exohange ycatorday. Bust- esa was restricted for some classes of securl- ties, but Commonwealth Loans and bank, brewery, and coal stocks mot a fair demand, War and Peace Loans, with the exception of 6 per cent, figured at enhanced rates, stocks were popular, and commanded I0" lifter. Miscellaneous concerns were quieter that) uaual.

-Variations on late rates RISE. War Loan 6 per cent. Wti Ioan 4) per eenL 1U Honda 1 Invincible Coal If Sun Newupaper Bvrlney F(-rrle 0 I lot ton Bcllblrd Coal a Caitlcmnine, Wood 0 Aust. ftank of Commerce 4j Aqtonutlo Totallafc- ton It Cumberland Paper, ord Tonhev'i 8 penccr' Picture! 3 iionu lwti vo f. War lxn 4i Der cent.

Bond HBT 6 Wit ian 4 per cent. Bonds (iuzjj 20 reicet wan per cflrif Bonds (1030). 8y': lnt. 28 War Loan 44 per cent. iJUl Howl (127) 1S WaY.

I.oun .1 per cent. Bonds flW7) 1' Peace Ixwin 6 pr cent 10 Bondf, 9 Irrt Ditto, iut 3 FALL, War Loarf ner cent. lluddart, Parker, Bonds filial) ear tofln 6 per cent. 10 Kmln It Nnttonul Bnn, ord. IS ord IB Wilcox.

MofTlln IH Tooth and ord. H.A. 1017.18 Wheat AUHtrallnn uns, "A-- a0 Colonial Sugar (FIJI) 2 Ucrln Id S.A. 1018-10 Wheat Scrip l.lod The following Invostmont sales were rostmont saies were ro- corded, and appoar sales llrat, then noon and nftornoon sales Wnr Loan 41 per cent. Bonds (1926), 0-ditto 10 Loan in pSaSfi tn) 8028, (n) iiouiYo, ia) ajoutYo Bonda.

(a) asuSi war rent. Bonds 90. 9026. 305, too2o; ditto, 10 Bonds, (a VV RRik7 (i k)iR7 iTm i 8610, (n (a) 4-8016; ditto 10 p0p oeni. Bonds 1923), (a) 9468 ditto 10 Honda.

98. (n) 976. (a) 979 Pca Loan 6 per cent. Bonds (1930). 80 In- tcrost, 9210, (a) terost.

9116. (n) pniici otyiiaT "J.f,9."": ditto 10 Bonds, 8 Interest, tar I uuiy utius is wiuiDK iu ouur a cross, vvuer- Class evcr and whenever tho Individual, or any in the community, whether rich or poor, baulks ut labour, at pain, at sacrifice, at the croBB.IJj TTTANTKl) to fiuy, 3 or 2 ROOMS, price and TV K. Iidwnrds, 47 Bfiy-st, Rockdale. rl IjfJKKPROOP Olllco Safe, about 8 2i 2, casit price, Purdniliint. licit tvrn.

17 Ooulhurn-st. 'iTtTASTEU bi-fore Mondsv niirht II Sewlnir Marti- inl fMS.Wlm WAN'TKD to J'urcliasc, Sou nw or a.ii. Open Chi ars. ot oce to J. Stnythe.

Tideswell st. fAMKKAS, Lenses', niid "HhutUra. JOHN Tlln KtrSlir (2nd ISmALL Light Mwry-Ko-Roufid, suit travelling,, Wfigin, price, oic, aierry, r.utm Bize. Wfleht. nrice.

WAT II Ballat Roller, State price and weight Lfixh. Vutvf-tlLvllle, 'I'honi; 7 p.m Uiitw Halt, about aum. Lowest price, only, Sale, Box 20, Parke. TVNNER SUITS uWf ncw- Prices andKes J- to Oenulne Buyer, Box latw. WAN Ifci 0.

Acetyieiiu Lump, Oincrutor, Ford. I'ari. SU Double Bay. 73'i T1AN0 Caw, must be stmnd. "Partlculari, Baker, 7i st.

jnnirn-ni, (i.ei. 1 -r ed Reimj-ly lur Bortr Peat In Build- Crownut P.O. VCTANTlfD. 1'rov lug. Sevens, UtANUKATHKR CLOCK WORKS, or any lanje works A run with wrlghts.

Rayner, clieinUt. htaiwiHTe. ninMumd. oirl (.4.1,1 qihI Silver. Ptcclous Ami.

kim. Fhich's. Roval Arcade, city. LAWN MOWERS, or Farts, any condition. 27 Carlisle Uk'hhardt iti Peternhain.

UKWINO MAUI UN wuuteil ut once, pay to KJ catin; no dealers. Ta rco, lininore P.O. i 1 i miank (400 to 800 wanted at once. A. E.

-L Twigg, 403 Oxford Paddlngtoii. Tele. 2'K). 'W10, liuy 811 lttdiw. Lelt-oll Cloth.

I tTmSIuiiias taniToV uas BAorVan de Velde and Glading. 871) t.eorge st. Buy, 1'HAji, not FoWmg, tood reas. Teesdaie, wi.fcctiir., lloao iiay.rn., r.wi.B i.iaino-. nnrrliv" in nr'mit ot State prllo, 1U.

lUrald. AMPLE BASKET, strong. Co Brl- UkIi Traile CoumiUaloner, 60 Pitt-ttt. MAOAINES, Novels, Newton, c5 King-bt 7.. I mime.

II. Kiim-sit. Ntwii. Will call, I.llHEPliOOK SAFE, about 2(t. Hoi Itcdfem.

'Phone, S4tt Redfei Homer, 15-1 llegeni- teeeiit 1JETHOL Soldering Outllt wuuted, suit country lowcller. O'Uanlon, Kob Roy Hotel, Balrnain. price. Mrs. Bingham, Ulebe P.O.

WANTED, by lutt about 11 yards- wuii'K in.e..; Apply ter, 27 Clarendon-rd, taunmorc. BILLIAKD Comb. Din' Table, abt. 8 ace, perf. cond.

Price, 07 Bulmaln-rd. L'hardU FOR SAIE. (Continued from Poge 11.) "IJEKKMAN'S, LiceiiMid pawnbrokurs, BEKivUAN'ti. ltenienibcr. Our Only Address.

Remember, 100-lft Suar.x. Known throuRliQUt Australia. Headquarters for Pawnbrokers' Bargains. OUU DAILY LIST. Diamond and Ituby 18d Solid Qold Dble.

i-hoop Illiig, 0 dlam. and 0 rubles, set therein, very oflective, ti10; Diam. 8-st. x-over Hing, nice qual. aet, Diam.

Marquire Iting, perf. match, 1710; Very handsome tall unique shape Vase, spec, 110: Magnif. Colleo. of English Cut Qiasa-ware: also some very rare pea. of nelleek, very choice; Gen.

solid Tea and CoOoe Service, 1210; Stainless Table and Dessert Knives, ivory handles, 6 Solid (iold massive euro noie, Aiuert, line new, CW5j Half Dozen Drinking aiuascs, real cut glass, We have a 'large and vnrled assortment of choice Table Appointments, such aa Spoons and iorks, etc. BKRKMAN9, of Williamrt, Sydney, BERKMAN'S, Licenced Pawnbrokers, Diamond and Antique Dealers. 'Phone, William 6.0. iuu-iua wnnam-si. ayemey.

pi jltESH FRUIT DIRECT FROM OKCUAKU. ru. i Maall Apple, for lr. btiihel aS 1 bus. 2fl- Peara for choiS Mlw 5 affis.

rery cnoice, iuu dus. oo, lett rears, full busnei I jam and Jelly making. "JV XL. 'ifflVJ frruwn Fruits will )leaM you. flmi case; you llnd frelaht.

Suburban stations, add 1 for builiel eases and half cases by patsenircr train. Semi I'ostul Note, IIAl.I' lIlll'S. limrniemil. mm. "pvVER, CLEANER haa larKe Stock Sue HnOI BOmtlll.hllTlii.

IS I 111 lit, 1111(1 Df go, si, to the shareholder' on the whole of tho now sharos Issued to him, and so for this one year! ho will find an IncToased rate of tax spread over hl wholn Inonmo. Ynt what will hannen should It bo found to reduce the 'capital to the original A re-j Iductlon In tho value of the shares will be t. aa wnu utuu uj wiu of capital, whereus the lncreaso of capital was lnolcort nnnn nn ooorotlnn nf Income. It la as though the Income taxing authority were playlug with a double-headed penny whatever happena it wlnB. FE1GHTENINQ Mr.

P. N. Yarwood wrlteB: Sir, Now tliat the stewards' strike has Ozzlcd out i a. r. niminist agitator cloke.

TtSat mS-uSSTSJ As a of fact the fcuwsrds left the ships, walked aabore, and then pro- tjx nt n.t. (lh. ln thm meantime: and this eteded to get otiier jobs in the "itime; and this 5mKe ii i 8 hSh from time to tlmo showing loues in wages, which wkc or le; but ilom do VP iuM Ulru 551 i. iu. It Is tills constant uncertainty with regard to the attitude ol uumnes renuirina- isuour unpoiiutar.

invro is un. puhllo debta mlaht ease the nnanclal situation for us. who are inclined to think so ihad better study "h0 profeed 10 dtacu" il of instability of our public finance and ezcetsive taxa tion, with threatened compulsion, instead of common- ana economical aaniinmtraiion iron, uioee re- snoredble for oublio affair, that day bv day it nara- lysine; the efforts and intentions of those who would otherwise develop the resources of this country and thereby create work for those wllHna- to do It. ln-(V dlWdoals msy go Insolvent-they die and are fonrottcn, out hot ueuttrbure irain iwin ui iiontniy ut at arS. TE Prices; but second-grade brokens were very per lh, while short wool, and pelts were unchanged.

Wheat CertlDcatos: South Australia, 1017-18 lm1v. lrrcgu ar and easier, common kinds espocl- Quotations: Merino, full wools, Hid to 8d per lb; me-season, SO.000 bushels, 1J, (a) 10,000 bushels work" blmKU oomm'Vi ally being dlffleult of sale. Orange Pekoea wools. to 7d; orj wools, Sd tTe.1; pelts, ditto. 1018-19 season, 20,000 bushels, ntat Mr.

Storey ld sethlw which1 showed a rise, commonest and common Pekoes WJ Ud'totSWtIf imicht lead one to suppose that certain uninformed were steady; medium and good sorts met with Llnln. aU Banks: Bank of Australasia, 8215; Bank section ol the eommuiiltr haa hone. th.t repudiation of mor comnetltlon: and were armor. liVi liSS1 "J.J llr coimtry means (tencral stalmatlon and ruin untlll.S5, shoeing Bteol at aiJUti, and Oar iron, purged In the usual way by honest liquidation of all round, Bquare, and flat at 296.. Orders for 4.60S wonireai, came, jiiouar.

to i'arig, 1 stookliolm, ilsht Kroner to il Cliristlanla.slaht JKroncr to 1.... 2S.IB5 I8.I0O 18.109 Uiileutta, r.l. ronne to rupee. Hongkong, to dollar OKOoamq, 1.1: li-enec 10 ye gt.M Determined by the price ol sUver. COMMERCIAL.

'THE MARKETS. Sydney tea Importers are finding consider- chants are ot the opinion that a recovery ln Prices on the local market may be expected. Private cablegrams from Colombo stated thaf this woek's sale In Colombo there was an nvnltoH Hpmnnd nnii nil vrnisM advanced. oxclted demand, and all grades advanced. waB B0ld ttt a Drlco would eQUal 24 a 5jw hnnH "a mall regarding the sale now in Miomoo i.JL All districts were more or lesa represented, tho quality generally being rather Inferior.

The market was strong and active throughout lor all good UM7 and line Broken iw. riaa in pj10 jute market was again very depressed rlce rocelved a urtner 80t. back. Cornsacks and branbags were both to I be had Vln 2d wou have been.c- copied for woolpacks. At those prices some iud.uu.

u.H...u o-- Iosbcs. There was a steady demand for manufactured nAi hnna fnlrlv -j i S. ouoted at 3110. teea at n-- ntenl sheets were booked at from 52 to 60, and black hoopa could have been obtained at 4715. Stocks ol all elates ot fencins materialfl were ample for requirements, some houses gave Bmall conceaBions on recent quotations.

The copra market was very quiet. The quotation for South Sea sun dried, in bags, was nominally 20. LONDON METAL QUOTATIONS. Following are the official London (middle) quotations for Thursday, as received by the Australian Metal Exchange: Ton. Topper, spot 0912 IH S7 Copper, 8 mos.

7039 It 313 Copper, electrolytic Rise 10 77. cto Copper, elect, wire bare itise in Fall 76 Fall 78 Fall 6 Fall 6 nine 510 510 wj, soii( L.d, soft, forward 2315 Tin. SDOt i-W4IH atan- 8 mn- 1116 Oz. "I 5'3! Jf 'iT saver! S5 5-18 Fall Of Fall 0 Fall 0 7-M Fall 0 10-19 INTERSTATE 3IAEKETS. Offal, 1015, ex rati; hartey, beat KnglUh malting to At, feed, dp.

20 to oata, 10 to 111; chaff, 55, on trucks at Mile F.nd. ha on incindm. MRLBOVRNE. Friday. Barley, lime demand for Entrlnh at if to 43, Oape 3 to 83; oata fiU-ndlfr tone, ferd 24 to milling 20; malae, little offered.

chaff dull, 410 to p-natoes, slightly firmer, Carmens 410 to Pinkeyes. 3 to 310 onions quiet, Globes xiivf 10 tn, iirown opanisa cu to 0710; mto, stugnant and unchanged. OVERSEA 5IARKET CABLES. LONDON WOOL SALES. MERINOS DEARER.

LONDON, Jan. 27. The free wool Bales closed to-day. The total offering was 60,000 bales, practically all of which were sold. Thcro was extremely a.82 W.10 17.47 17.85 10.07 20.40 17J 17 210 210 30) 0J in nuurii yuu uuvu iu mai lnaiviuuui aim in -i Vi a.

a ZTi. .1. vu?,j. mm ii, in hub vury luuiviuuui cue utate. And tt la this very individual thropist.

the political and economic' Beuti- mental Iut, Is dolug hla best to encourage. Ll 18 Ulincuit to suy to what extent time naa altered the truth of the last sentence of tho lonowing extract: ine haa become far too much Imbued with the notion that hla business 1b agitation rather than exertion. Tho American people have little sympathy at bottom wun mm ratner eiieminate view or acnievng political or commercial supremacy." I am, Jan. 28. WM.

CHISHOLM. MOTOR CAR A five-seater Ford motor car. No. 80.141. waa sioien irom runup-street, near Klng-Btreet, ciiy, ycsieruay aiccxuoon.

it belonged to Mr. Robert E. of Cowner-Btieot. Rami- wick. WANTED TO PURCHASE.

(Continued from Page 10.) 'ANTED, bCU'INQ AND KN1TTINO MACHINES, Call or Write, BOWLEY SEW1NQ MACHINES, LIMITED, 16 Q. V. Markets. GJORAP IHON JO 8CUA1 IKON and METALS. SOB A I' IKON and METALS purchased, aoy kind, any quamiiy.

aiarattc prices given. A. O. SIMS, Wilford-atreet, Newtown. ARTIFICAL TEKTI1 UOUGHT.

10, 0, 2 per set given; Diamonds and Old Jewellery. Buying this week only. J. NOIilllS, Kooin ibO, ith door. Uawson.

chambers, opp. Hall way 0b ew or fcecond-liand Baliwter Machine; 800 yards from Tin tn llln Gafw.iwLlinnil tn good order. Pr-ce and particulars to 11, IlASHi'OitTU, Bioqouii naw aims, via uyron nay. QKCO.ND-HAND MAOHINliltV of all descriptions wuu ooiu. u.

K. niJi-. ana Hunter-street, Sydney. Thoiie, 115111. DON'T give Left-olT Clothing Away.

Get Money for it by writing to BETTY, 30 Edge ware-road, GALVANISED Iron, good second-hand, 100 rheets, 8 or ft. Send particulars and price, Duncan, Fal mouth -chambers, 117 Pilt-ttrccU T7ANTED, a Spiral Chute. Apply, with particu lars, to WATSON, NOBBS, aud CO. Sussex-street ANTED to good Second-hand (JAS no agents.

Apply oy letter, MOKKIS, Merrylandb-road, Merrylands. VT7ANTED to Buy, Sewing MACHINE. Drophen'I 111! Iro PIANO, for cash, suitable children nractlee. wtiiiis, MMnunmt lieiaiiwnn; or ret, zng. i QACKS and BAGS, any quantity, highest prices, quick returns.

amiui, aa oiisaci-ii, avuney. LEAD. LEAD. LEAD. We Buy Scrap Lead for Cash.

E.iBtway SEW1NU MACHINE, Drophead pref. State nan: and prlve. Miss Mack, 27 Coogee st, Ra.idwlck. SEWING MACHINES Bought, highest prices -riven, all ma l.liotnon JiO Ceorgc-st West. MIQiH.

WANTED, Iron Safei "w-ronrl-hand. up to 421nch. 'PUune, CUy 0744. 169 Eliubeth-at CAMERAS and Photo. Supplies of all descrlptlona RuKsell's, 131A William-aL 'T'ANTED, Hundredwefght cheap Tallow, for soap.

State lowest price. OrmonH, Herald. LADY'S Small Davenport Writing DESK. State price, O'Neill, Mascot, Powell-st, Ooogee. KSL "Of course Hi ed I IC I of New South Wales, (a) 82; Australian Bank of Corainoroe, (a) 187J; National Bank ot Aua- trnluMlu, (a) 612.

stenin: Huddnrt, Parker, 459; t3ydne ota BrewerinB: Cactlcmalne and Wood, 22. (a) 32; Toohey fn) 183. (a) 183; ditto, now, 9, fa) Tooth's, (a) 236, 233; ditto, io, Miscellaneous: Automatic Totaliuator, 10: H.J i X' Bl. 1 (a) 18; Cumberland Papor, 20; J. D.

a i Williams. 120: Perdrlau Rubber, 199: Peters Delicacies, 126: Sargent's, 28; Spen- cer Pictures, (n) 120; Sun Newspaper, i In) 21; Mort's Dock, (a) 166; Wilcox, Mofflln, ta) ai, ztiui. Iand and Building: A. Rlckard, (a) IB3. Coal: Knst Orota, (a) Sl6; Excelsior.

J6; Hetton BPIlblrd, (a) 24, 2V; Invincible, (a) 190; South Orota, (n) 69, Wallscnd, ex (n) 1310. INTERSTATE EXCHANGES. MELBOURNE, lriday. To-day's inrestment sales included: 1 lan, ii ner cent, (lifflfli, alflOlo, 9017fli tto 4J per cent. (lfi7), SU10; ditto 6 ptr cent.

ivzi), attro ft per cfiit. ti.j, K'Jtfvsia; 'reace pur cent. (11X10), 110. 31120; ditto AW- VAitVia irmit Ml 31 ft- Hittfi ir weeks), HlTJ, Hi0; Huiidart, Parker, Aast. Paper, 240; Dunlp, 24; Mutual Store, 2C0.

2714; Kiidurm Grawl Hotel, ia- R. Harper, 18; Klwtro- 7nmX ADELAIDE Fridav. To-oays investments nieiuuea: War lioan. 4k ner cent, 9120: Suite. Satin-lined, Coast, Vests, Cream Serge Trou- TTWRMl URh, Pianos, any quantity, bought, any-scra 20 O'coota, cheap.

B. Broadway, J-1 where, or sell on your behalf. Cash advances made, few doors Grace Bros. ltl. 2-H.

Clive Edwards (late A.I.F.), Padd. 77Ti ii rivnM nAwn Hj.hM. ion Piitiel. FaMlm. a iinnr- oft lnnr ViM-aiirliih Sanheuij Ltnina-.

Flooring, Partition Boanls, and Palings. Hard- wood and Oregon. DIXON'S, SHZ 'matta-rd, P'shain. SlUlin. FOOT WHEEL, 21 in nUo 4Hi io 4Jln Steel Shafting, with ground pulleys.

T. SHE11. HERD. Room 4th Floor, Puking House, city. set of Dead-weight Scales, Ucwt, coalj, aim vl weights, good order, 5.

E. 8. RICHARDS, 214 Canterbury-rd, SummerHHl. IpOR SALE, 12cwt Bright Irawn Steel, In. 1 SUndard Nut She.

JOHN UEUSE and SON, 1011 Sale, 2 seta Greengrocer's Scales, atamped; also Avry Brast Mb Scales, cheap. BRIDOE, 65 COLLEGE Associate Cap and Gown, good Xi onicr, reusonauie. nio oui iieruiu. lALV. Iron, It ixfrnmes, Bashes, Panels, Doors, D.

"niw 414 Ellzahcth-gt. nr. Rait. trOR SALE, complete Gat Fitting, also Qulrk'a (iu Plant, Bath-heater, etc Hoskins, Lawson. Aim 4) per cent.

(1027), SDlo; ditto per cent. bonUB of 2 per cent account for 15,000, leaver, J12; ditto. per cent, hig 294 to be carried forward. The bonus 9476; l'i i 6 per cent. Oo).

3170; ditto ls from investments In Federal and State Go- FUHlffTnTBE, ETC. (Continued from Pan S8.V 'IT Bacrlnce 18 IforT contenta 2 flabt, iust pureluaied, un- Used. Uedrooins. oomnlete- alaulo. OaM.

2' UreiUC Wlroonis. 2 Uinuig-roomr, Huple, two i lftnOak, I a-pce. Uwue. Suites, ifmu Palmi fiinl niKlnnw lallxliall tn lmiwct day, night, Kclven 'lats, lSS'Oautbrldge aiongiHue auuon, auniuore. rei.

t. IWi.Alt Koine, Laity iniiKt Hatriltce beautilul Kumcd Udk, genuine, iirettily, lluuml and unnved Red Kulte. 511, oval (lev. 1niirru.i; pUo anoibor iff blh-PlnM 'oIM-lnI Mt, KX, li'WHy. wortl.J.iij.ich( 5 lariri bev.

oval mirror. IiaimsMiiL-lv carveif JCMl: fi-pierc staple Suite, till: Witi'bell anytltmr In home xHn lmmv waul j4arKe IIuum. 101 IXi wauicu, Aiigniy. i i. uoiue, 161 Acwtowp, rctert Trum.

V'Ut'NU COLPLli, -avhixi-un Maplo; Oak a-plete Suite. ,,1 UoubJe Oak Bel( NiLkcl ai luinie in. Uk and CIS; uimiliaf, anu (irey Duuuie nei, Alt; Sit Sideboard, Tiiiile, Oak Li-gs siftrsvftlV pretty WtW-Suite, IxiUhcn Brewer, -4ili -ot Avnl.vt.Slgn- Uke-nut klmu, othur. buimiti lnl St.

Peters Stall tut. i Olt S.M.K, iit Walnut Orfesiiig T.ible, WaMretunO, Seiignms Sqtmie, fitliir licik-BiHikcaM, Yost.Tyne)fnter, Green Mower, Icq. Wb Ucr Pnun, arid Sundries. Applv iiflt i. iiiv.cri'ury'" Bniinore, CJURl'LL'S' FURNTri'IlE for includtntf ijermaa iron-frame Piano, uearotim auue, oihbct oci-b Marhine.

Stove, etc, Sunday. Oncer's Shop, corner Johnson ))Ul0 Titv Housu ol Modern Fumiturs t-uainens taking ine out ofn AttstruUa, TlfAI'LK. 5lt tl, 41 1 Oak licilronm Suites, 1V1 i.r., Kobe Sit l.urfau Mnchliie. HofK'A- I'law, Kniidwlck.T,.' 1S. practically newMaiile SiilchoardT' Dining J- Tnlde, 8-plece Dining FOom suite, an iwusic.

cttmplete. M'MK FLAT. Wycomhe-roatl. Nwitral "Bay. luk.mi Kinall flat, for Hale.

aUo Maple "en- Suite! Bellorlvo, cr. T70B S-LE. Wat. Overmantel, cheap. 9 BOO A r'-'j- giving up Flat Vic ta Klut.

Shellcove Munsloiis. Bao. LIOUT OAK DINING-ROOM SC1TE, 8 ChaiBf. Side. bourd, Extension Tnhle, good i.

Miller-street, North Sjdney. PARTNER'fiiTDouble Desk of selected Mape Verf Anest workmansliip, comlitlon as new. J. W. BUCKLE, 115 rtWWreet Suites, S'bbarda, ete.

Factory prices. 511 Howllng-st, TVU SALE, Double Bwlroom Suite, BcdVtpni.7Sl3eJ lioan), Table, Duchrase, no ds. 20 Goabellt; Pal. C'AHIXET" Sideboard given" away Lyn-ton, Residential, 7 York-t, near O.P.O.' RODKIHB, Auctioneer, Valuator, Maliufcfurtr. i I'ninnit buver Pianoti.

Furniture, 'Make order or exchunpo your own datlttn. SO' per ceniv below catalutfUe. No mid coats. Auctiunr'tMilay. Write, cull, or ring if you want a quick buyer; or seller, 'fruna to door, Ott City-ioail, cor.

M.vrtle-Ht,ouuH Unft venity, near Broadway, for best price, get ur.e last. Pemmal valuations. Red. 083; or Kv Walker, I Oin H.ul--titj-t. Mosmsii.

V2VJ6, any hour.1- I) UN I TURK of all kinds Bought, If It Pound'a Worth or a Thousand Pounds Worth. RINO OP CITY 4811, OR DROP V9 A NOTB. SYMONDS FURNLSHINU, LIMITED S38 PITT-ST (near Bathurst-iit), 2QS i'ITT-8T. UIINITURB. MinilORS lor Furniture antf sfnnt.1.

Dlece Uukcrs, in stucK, all slzoa. I'romua-lellverr. GHAfNUKR CURS 372A I'itt itrcct th. Iaiig). Tboiip, 0133 City.

ARTHUR STUTCHBURY and AnrtlMtMrs. If you are Ulspo.lnir of Tour HOUSKUUI.U FUR. n.MB" mm TTOLSI AND FLATS OF PL'RNITURB. PIANOS, Motor Cars, purchased, lanre or amt auura- Immediate inspection. Ri'HB niiivu iu-i pno pitf.Btrt t.i rir nn HONS, Aurtlnnccrv

pJllNITUIIB BOUGIIT, and Outdoor Siles conducts, J-1 by CI1AS. JOHNSON, Gen. Auctioneer, 83 Pitt street, yuney. ih.jji. i-nv.

way, iina. W3r. vian or vun.ll.iw, 1 UViUI3 wautcJ. SPOT CASH. loo Kiizjitioth-street 07 CItr.

"TJCWTOWN FURNIS1 1N1 XI Bur U.H. Furniture, la anv ouantltv foa.sout cash. Highest prices given. 332 Kiug-at, Newtown. J.1200 ITTi 7 ANTED IMMKThATKLV, Corner WARDBOBE and old CH1-ST DRAWERS.

Must bo cjean and cheap. Ring PETKRSHAM 15-'3, AFTER 2 Hod Ctiulr or Sincrle Wooden. vv aid price, Anuerton-at, aiarrKviiic.fjenq pn no. xtaNTKDT Olussci-dow I Hv letter tn S. 3 --LD-STYLE FURNlTLHtk wanted, Cedars, 9 nr, 4-prt Wood Beds.

Uwson 'WlUlam-lU TTTMtNITURK BOITG1IT, nny quantity, fair deal, ipot caBh, NewlH.uId, 218 Parramatta-rd. AnnandMla. iouSrruTfURE or alM Jl Pianos cash, district. Box O.P.Q. I WANT PurchuRe Cottaae-of cih)v nald.

.1 Munlrieli 79. VUit- ttjntED, Bedstead" and Mftttreta, muV be good order. Price, etc, We. Bedrm. Sufto, clean." May field.

Oxlcv-at. SL Leonnrda. T7ANTED, liouse of clean Furniture, useful for. Sata, Aply T. 31 Hurton-st, -'iTSENT.

wlslios to 1'urrluse i'urniture tor reaiiiential, VX KIO- Livernoul.Td, Ashfleld. J171. BUSINESSES FOR SAlE 0E I (Two Lines (about Saturday tit.) WANTED, BAKERY BUSINRB3, suburia wf-v-abou 6 tons. Bimvoed Post-offlca. A TENDERS.

A NNUAL' CONTRACTS 'FOR STORES Xi. (Stores Supply IlepitrtuiKnt, 15 (Stores KuddIv Deudrtini Voung'Strbet oyunoyi will CLOSU on WEOMiyDAY. flth AI'RIL, ai p.m. -t Tender Forma and, SoheiJuU will be available at aa "I A. BERCKELMAJJ, (9b-lV Executive 'Member.

HOARD OF. FIRE COMMISSION KRS OF' TENDERS are Invited tur lite construction J( Motor Pits at Olcbe, and Lelchhardt Fire Stations. -Tenders retunieble bj noon ion Wedneday. Otll February, lftll. I I Plan, mlons, ond nil particulars ftiny bj ohtjiinnl un ii iiUcation to Headquartera Fire Station 213 Sydney.

H. at. i ill Secretary. 1021. nixii-in ifiiHr for L-rectiiiL' brkk Uoubla limine ut itaudwii-k.

Complete plan aiid-'Viwcl- fiom MiKYUn ana xavuij, r.s,S0 Pitt-street, per 10w, Job, Oale-rd, Southland wiuri. Job ready. Arthur Htrai-n-Uurp. BRICKLAYERS. Price rcq.p Floor and Part ImlarsJO o'clfck, 7 Handel JOMMON WEALTH OF AUSWIAL1A.

WAR SERVICE liOMES COMMISSION, N.S.ff. Branch. TENDERS. TENDERS, addressed to tbe Deputy Commissioner, No. Hamilton-street, Sydney, endorsed wlth-'tlie-nnme of the work, are invited, mid will be receivoiliM-uiidor for the ERECTION OF HOl'SKS AT- CANTElimiRY.



CROYDON, ARNCI.1FFR, N. SYDNEY. ENFIELD, COXCIHtl) WEST, MAttOUUKA, LIDCOMBE, STRATH FIELD, LKICIIIIARPT. Tenders clone 12 noon on the Sth February. Plana and specifications which must bei reUirned) and tender forms mnv be obtained from ol Assistant Architect, Poster House, oydney.

JAMES WALKER, Commissioner. pilTY OF tpawiciL Separate TENDERS aro -invited and will be'Weclved by the uudnreignfd un to 12 iiiHin on PItlDAV, Pcbru-ary llth, for a HOUSE-DRAWN TAR SP RAVER, .100 (To lions cupaeity; also a MOTOR WATER SlMllKR, 400 gallons capacity, Tender must give oomplcte speclflcatlon tha. plant submitted, Fonna of tender nnd conditions of contracr Way bt obtained on application. I Tbe lowest or any tender not necemnrtlr accepted. ALBION IIAYNE, Slst Jnnunrj'.

Town Clfrlt. TENDERS rcqulied for the PURCHASB 1 of CRANES. Steam, lUcctrlc, and Hand: all shorn to meet the Act, for Builders, Cohtractora, etc; also Ralls for Ji'K, TOOIJ5 and Crane EiiRiiiPors, Vtl Uunter'strcft, -Sydney. B6111. TRA1NEHS.

rnce wunted for uraining. v'n. Inb. Divcr-rd, Rtr-e Hn. AIMER, counect Stable nnd House to Pinna i-md estimate, JItoi; wanted, 807wiilter-at; North Sydney.

-T Invited, out oft'ftWaltT, 200 acres heavily timbered, at Morlssett'Qistf'mlle from station. Good metalled rand. Annly 11. O. BIRD, Mor.stttb PiNOfNO, 25flft ftft Price wanted for Job W'lfrtW.

Patxmgo, NurUlwnil. iTN. TUB MATTER OP OifRMIOAL "aNDMTAR i- PKODIIOTS, LIMITED. SOUTn '1IR ISHANE. TENDERS are Invited for the Purchase of I In tbe above muttar, conalctliig.

of: 1. Stock In Trmlb. 2. Mnclilncrv. S.

i.rft, BTOOIC SHEETS AND CONDITIONS OF TKNDEB may ba seen at the office of Metwrtvi Starkey, Star key, York-street, Sydney. TENDERS will close at the office of the undendirned, Vnlnn Trustee Ch.trnbira, Qneen-strtet, BrNhane, on 10th DAT OF' FEBRUARY, 1921, AT 8 O'CIOCK P.M. THE 11 10 EI I 'T or any tenlcf mit necesturily; accept 0. ft inmON and alAOFAJUAN'tt Prtn' dT t'Mil SECOND-HAND TIP BODY RTKAM -I--. WAoqoN.

up till tho 12 Ui FEI1RUARY, 103L for the PtTROHASK of the above, oa tt ttonds, at the 17 mU pea? ion tha 1 fWinn fn TtiHtrflnM If dirt' nAl 1 tiii Parti mvlnrs can lw dbtilnetl, and tnsnectlott utrtnirefl opplioatton to the Bhlre Engineer Kyogla. the highest or, any Tender not) neoearily acoeptd. 'V .1.0 JIEAIISONV Bnira, ornoa. Hyogte, men. XPtn uecemneT.iafBo.

(CoatlDuotl oa nit puc HER MAJBSTY'S, PrNArOnit" There will not be any rontinee of "H.M.8. Pinafore' to-day at Her UHjnty'e. that favourite opera entera tooijfht upon fta last fix niU. Durinff puat wek, as tlio romlt of audden climatic chaiiKes. L'tiarlMi Uettam wu called on to reolitce Mr.

Jamei Hay aa ltalpli Raclutraw. and a little later MUs pnell duputihed for Uia Ethel lf WiUiajnaoa Ooajptny poneMed decidedly capable un- darstuUlc la reMrve. Owinff to the of its performance, the ravirai 01 -rnnceta aiier a mow 01 yeam, wu. an event of upecbil interest. The new out will lonowaj tviiiB 11 MUttDraiKi, t.

hodos; nuanoii hto H.v. Uettanit Vlorlau. J. Khton; kiOK OaM, 6 WaTenn7 Arac Onron; ond IScynthiua (hla una), J. Khuon, F.

EnBhnd, Tom Mlnotroe: Princess Ida. Strella WUton: Lady Blanche, ale Cuffyn; Ada, Gruce Grotty. PALACE STRANGER. There will be a two o'citxa matinee of "Welcome Stranger" to-day at the Palace, where the story of American ainull-towna life, and the amazing wny which ono ot tiiem rises to uromjenty. con tinues to draw lame audiences.

Jules Jordan Is irirWWBlOlB 00101111)11. WHO niBPflVfllTl ftfl sMMUJlCttl nTentor Uohn D. inA inV- In the most ingenious way a bird's-eye rlew of the wwii, uiuouiutiea as a uirmng city. TTVOLI "TUB LILAO DOMINO." At 2.80 and a n.m. tn.dnv "Tlio I niln," will continue to reach after 1U probitble record nin ot the Tivoli Theatre, where JmnicHnti Dodds and Reno naxweu sing tne rnuaic of pulsion and which ri iiium.

ivv siiimng's oni- Hsnt dances form another outstanding feature, and George Gee. I Inch Steyne. Marie Ia Vsrre. John De Lacey, and WUliara Valentine are all In the cast. ORITIERrON "BABY BUNTINQ." A "Baby Buntbg" matinee, at 2 and an ererdng iSflrtf JJ7mto'i pcn 1,811 w'th song-and-dance SfS M7 a lSf' niarr'aSe with bookkeeper miuimw, are oacaed uy gorgeous dress parades.

a "Ltrf BEARD PANTOMIME. Bluebeard Pantomime enters upon the seventh week of its season at the Oram! th Wrtill week? the big show been staged twice dallr In vm TOj. "i uc iiuivinees on saturnars and Wednesdaya only. But few chances thus remain of Gld' ihS cler" "botic dancS? Perry gw: frog and Gertie Falls, and De Winter and ttose. -A Shakespearian season will follow.

FDUjKB'S THRATHB. i T. najjlus, who was specially enenffed in Rna- Fuller Theatre this afternoon. He Is described aa a burlesque 'bouncing halltst, but h's act also includ na uli selections. Olhew wlU S.Ehi""1'! "urno, Newman, and Wynn Maggie Buckley, Ernest Pitcher, and Eddie Martya.

"TUB BABES JN TUB WOOD." The last week of the "Babes In the Wood" psnto-m me at the Newtown Majestic is announced. There w-dsy the final day next, Hemra. Ben and 1 iimu nesRTa. lien and l-yiin ruiier that the farewell U1 be on Frida night, and that the tnHr Sri next Saturday afternoon. -oPen Ar.HAMntlA a nncuii The doeino; performance of "Jack in Fairyland" drew a big houws last nifrht to tho Alhambra Theatre, "m.2'30 and18 P'ra- to-day the Pugllese management will start their regular all-star vaudeville season with a new programme, including wonderful circus uwh, anu moiiaey, uie swinnr ladder human frogs, and Picturesque scene, with ballets as a feature.

T7NTOW pinrnnw nreiTnra First feature at the Crystal Palace to-day and all next week will be Qaby Dcslys in "Tlie Cod of Luck," while "Someone In." with nil. also listed Tho Paraniount-Artcraft nroductlons. "Thi. Hiffht to Love." and "Tho flan) Rtml tiii attractions at the Globe, Mae Murray starring in the lornicr, and Douglas McLean and Doris May in the Aorma Talraadee. fn tti mantii TTntnt.

trai-tion, or So," and Buster Keaton in T.ii (muiiuuu, wiii is uie Dreeniatioti at tim ni-inii to-duy and Klonday and Tuesday On Wednesday these pictures will be replaced by all-star cast in Screeuart's "Cup of Fury," the adaption of Hnnert Hughes's novel, and the eighth and ninth episodes of me nui ui uie jungle, me City." The Cup of Fury" and episodes, eight and nine oi -ine uon wty wm oe tle Headline at the Eni- to-day, Monday, and Tuesday. coango win oring -iw or no, anti tne oapneua. 'Tea or No." and ePDisodea six and mermt nt "Th Txt City," will provide the bill at the Ma Jest ie tJ-day, Monday, and Tuesday. Wednesday's new pictures will be "The Cup of Fury" and an all-star cnt In the dim version of Uoltnan Day's novel, "King Spruce. "The Cm of Fury, "The Saphend, and Larry Semon in "The Suitor," will be in the King's CroM pKigmmnie to-day, Monday, and Tuesday.

Wclnesday's new niciurra wm De sea or no" ano "iing spruce. kiK0des six and seven of the "Lost City" will be screened at to-day's matinee, and on Thursday night only. 'Yet or wo" and uorouiv uaiton in ranrmount Art- craft's "Half an nour" will furnish the entertainment at thff Union de Luxe, New Olympla, to-dny, Monday, nnd Tuetviay. On wednewlar tne old will consist oi Charles Rav In Paramount Artcraft'a "The Villatre Sleuthv and en.laodes six and seven of the "Lost City, "TIARLTNO Ollva Thomaa'a latest Selznick fee tore, "Darling Mine," which Is to be screened at tne Australian Theatre, Hvcle Parle, and the strand, Pitt-street, com-fnnr4nfr tn-Hiiv. la nlav simUor to "Daddv LonB- legs." The star appears aa a waif who finds herself transplanted from the gutter to the footlights.

Barney Sherry and Walter M'Rrail apnear in tupuort. 8TATE ORCHESTRA. The fearnros of to-nitrhts State Orchestra concert at the Connervatorlum Hall will be "Theme and Variations from Suite No. by TVehaikowaky, Elgar'e "Snlut d' Amour," the Sibellns "Valse Trist," excerpta from Berliojs'e the overture to "Frclschute, and a Symphonle March by W. Anindel Orchard.

The vocalist will be Mr. A. J. Morris, who will be heard in "Salve Dlmora" and "Una Furtlva Lagrlma," from DmtiEettt'a "L'ElisIr d'Amore." The plan la at Nicholson's. "WILD AnSTRALTA." This afternoon and evening a most successful season will be brought to a close, when L.

O. M'lntosh (champion axeman of New South Wales) will meet Jock M'Owthy (champion of Victoria) io a match for The final of the 25 amateur buck jum pins; contest will also take place. Warrlgal, the unbeat nble champion huekjumper, will throw nil-comers. The Westerns, fn their whip-cracking exhibition, prior to their departure for England, and a host of other attractions, will attract. BURNS CLUB CONCERT.

The armtial Scottish demonstration In honour of Robert Burnt will be held at p.m. to-day at the Burns statue. At 7.45 there will be a concert at the Protestant Hall, including the Burns Anniversary Choir, under Mr. Hector D. Fleming, dances by the Johnston dancers, pine selections bv Mr.

Mackenzie, and songs by Misses 3raee Sarllle, Winnie Fraser, Messrs. Reg. Raymond, Richard U'Uelland, and Tom Angus, with Miss M'Earcharn as OPEN-AIR BAND MTTSTO. The Eastern Suburbs United Band, under Mr. H.

A. Wedd, will play at Government House grounds, tomorrow afternoon at S.15, and at Bond! Beach at night, at 8 o'clock. S.P.O.A. "ANIMALS' WEEK. On Ifondav afternoon the vearlr Animals' Week will be held under Uie aiiRpices of the S.P.C.A., when there wlU he a competition caD.

van, ana lorry none parage through the city streets after assemblage ln the Domain (2.16). Prizes amounting to 68 will be i offered. SHOWGROUND nORSR CARNTVAL. i Under vice-regal patronage the Australian Home Car- 1 nival will be held nightly at the Sydney Showground from next Saturday to Saturday, February 12, during which period 1500 will be awarded in prizes for champion trotters and jumpers, athletes, and back-jump riders. A comprehensive aeries of programmes will comprise champion lady equestrienne and ladles hunting contests, Australian Trot (300), pony high jump, handicap trot, and many other attractions, CONCERT AT HABERFlELn.

Mr. Warwick M'Renrle will give a violin recital at the Hnberfleld Presbyterian Church on Wednesday next, when ho will play the Pugnant "Praeludlum and Allegro' part of the Beethoven Concerto, ond other Slecea, Miss Ada MIddenway (mezzo) and Mr. Vera arnett (pianist) will assist. SOCIETY OF BRICKS. Prior to the departure of Mr.

Albert GootRiens, the Society of Btioks entertained him In the main hall of the Langham and the patron, on behalf of the society, presented htm with a wallet of Australian honk notes. Mr. Ooonens in warm-hearted acknow ledgment, said he would take the rules and other matter with him with the object of forming a branch ot the tocioty in urusscis, TITE BERNADI CONOFRT. Subscribers to the fend-off testimonial concert to Mr. R.

Bernndl, the young Auvtral-Itallnn tenor, will he interested to learn rrom air. u. w. Lsidlnw (hon. Mcretnry that the sum of 160 was realised.

Mr. TWnadl. who Is now takintf leave of his fumilv In Melbourne, will remain In that city Until tha end of next rnontn, wnen ne is giving a concert. '''LYCEUM THEATRE. Gab- Deslyt In.

"The Ood o' Luck" win be the main attraction at the Lvceum Theatre to-dnv anil sU next week. The second feature will be Screenaria "Dollars and sense," in wnicn Madge Kennedy atan. PADDOCK." TIm latest nddltton tn Austral Inn motion nlehm nn. duotlon ls "Possum Paddock," tbe adnntatfor of Kate Howard's weu-Known stage success. ine widely -popular star herself la featured In the plcturo, which will ho nresented to-dav and all next week at th Lvrie.

A number of children will appear In a prologue, enacting typical scenes oi oimn me, una concluding Wltn -B spectacular flnalo tnhlean. The sunnort will he furnished by H. B. Warner lr. "The White Dove.

HOUSE CABOTVAI. The Australian horBe carnival will commonoo at tbe Agricultural Show Ground next Saturday, and continue each night for a week. Many ot the finest trotters hare been entered, and as the prises-offered are 300, 200, and 120 for the handicap events tbe racing should be "fiT In sddltl ddltion to these events there Is a nrlce 'ot 100 for tho horse which can beat the unow urouna recora qi am o-oi, ueia dj Strange Man. Happy Voyage, Globe Dorhy, and Lucap have been entered. The remainder of the programme will consist of high Jumping, hunting, and athletlo events.

A nromlnent nlnce has been Riven ln tbe nrAtnmmA nf tno (tnrnivn rn inn atn nte. nd In response to an appeal by Mr. J. Heflger. the Blind Institute, tbe executive has de- aided to give liberal support to the fund, which MOTOR Stru

Local, 12 to 20 a dozen pnnneta. Stone FruUt. Peaches: Choice 30 to if, medium 2 to 20, small to 10 half-bushel case. Klbortas, 10 to 4ii; Victorian, 5 to 6 a bushel case. Apricots: Tomnanlan.

if to 6. Nectarines: Choice 5 to 0. medium 2 to if, small 16. Plums: Dark 2 to if, light 10 to if half-bushel case; small, light, un- BHIalUIU. 7 to 91, choice 10: Nelson and llobb's, if to ummuwrn, zf lannwr, gooa 1- 1 I a I jam iuu, a miuiei ctuc.

Pears. Local: Williams 8 to 66, cooldne; tf to 8 a bushel case. PajHlonfruit. Local: Choice tf, medium 8 to 8, small 10 to 20 half-bushel case. Bananas.

Tweed River, Of to 18 a case. Pineapples. Queens, 10 to 11; Rlpleys, 7 to 9f double case. VEGETABLE MARKET. There was a fair supply of sll lines yesterday.

There were large auppllea of cabbages. The price of beans fell Utter during the morning. Tomatoes were sold as high as 1(1. Tho best quality of Wonder peas waB sold for 12; a second grade of the same peas brought 8. The choice Hero peas were disposed of i i-oiiowini? are tne following are tne quotations: tnarcks and Browne) Is 0 to 10, Pinkeye 7 to ffllyS JJ JVi cucumbe TOlJ Jf: n.erM! cucumucr, a 10 i jo, green parsley, to jf 4.

f'l', 4f? VeeSwit. loU- V8 to 3 white turnips, 4 to pannipa, 8 rt i. nD.rJ STATION PHODTJCE SALES. The Sydney wool selling brokers report: SHEEPSKINS. mZil Zollrt at latively lower JtrDRa.

10,8.32, were catalogued, lightweight, were Irregular f- -MWjhj. sirtV prt? were nirt (u uujicr. uut auubLair can ana yenmngs decidedly better while country lines were un altered. Quotations: New Bouth Wales butchers' rtea. extra stout picked, heavyweight, to 22d Der lb: heavv.

621b), bert Bid to lOJd: ordinary. 5d AT 7id; ordinary, to light, medium weight. (40 to 44 lb)-, best 6d to Sid; ordinsry, 4d to llciit tu uiliuuiu-w cikiiui mj mi, DesK oa 10 weights (30 to S8 lb), best, 6d to ordinary. SW to hides, 2d to Od; faulty hides, 2d to 4ld; dry lilBin M' to PRODUCE INWARD. LAUNCESTON.

Friday. The Poonbar left Devonnort ihla afternoon for: nyoncy aim wun hag potatoes, a 08 oata, 1176 chalT, 6S1 turnips, 352 onions, 185 peas, 03 hales straw, 431 bales premted hay. The Melbourne also sailed with CI 10 big potatoes, 6910 oats, 03 chatT, peas, 077 bales straw. noMEuusn TitucKiyaa Trncks ordered for the forthcoming sales are aa follows: Junuary 81: 184 eheep and 100 cattle Kebniary 3: 8Wi shocp and 230 rattle- wagKons. February 7: 170 sheep and 110 cattle watrRons.

February 10: 160 sheep and 88 cattle waggons. MINING. THE SHARE MARKET. A quiet market ruled for mining scrip on the Stock Exchange yesterday. Prices displayed only slight variations, tending in places to naraen.

copper interests were weak, with the exception of Mt. Morgan, which were quoted on a higher piano. Mt. Lyell drooped 3 to 153. Barriers were quiet.

North finished steady at Mlh. Souths improved 3 to 279, while Hills were somewhat bettor. desDlto easier movement in London. Among tin Issues, Kampongs rose 1 to 409, with prompt bual- nesH nt 40 Toneknh Harboui rAvrm, 1q rn wf e.c 1 JV-. Tn local Krup attracted Very little at- tentlon, and gold Issues were Dot seriously cuiibiuereo.

The following mining sales were llstedt- Coppor: Mt Lyell, (n) 6 weeks 163, cash Stiver-Lead: North B.H.. 297. fa 297 B.H. South, 2710, 28, (n) 6 weeks 283, (a) cHFn ttv: ts.n. rroprietary.

tai weeks 439. Tin: White Crystal, 27J, (a) 28; Dumbrell's Dygoo, (a) 111; Tongkah Harbour, (n) 38; Kampong Kamunting, (a) 409, 0 weeks 40, prompt 42: Vegetable Crook, (a) 16. Gold: Bendigo Amalgamated, 14; Edna Hay iemrai, (a) Closing quotations yesterday were: Copper: C.S.A. Mines, 4j Hampden Olotibnrry, 66, 69; Mount Cnthbert, 14, 15; Mount Lveii, loit, IDit; Mount Morgan, 1474, 14101: Wallaroo and Moonta. 28.

British B.H. (old), 1041, 1971; Broken Hill Proprietary, 436. 44; B.H. Junction, 9, a 10; North B.H., 2ffl, a 2971; B.U. South, 277J, a 27KH: New Burragorang, if, 6.

Tin: Carpathla, paid, 610J: ditto, cent, 7f; Duinbrell's Bycroo, paid, 46: ditto, coni. a 111. 2: Mutable Creek, 14J, a 16J; White Crretal, '4. zatz ABam numnang, hois, a 803: KaranoTio Kamunting, 406, a lj La rut. 059: Malaya Tin Corporation, 60; llatrut Baatn, 10fl: Tongkah Hnrbmir, 876.

3S; Tonirkah Compound, 09. Gold: Deep Levels- Hawkin'a Hill, if; Oundagal 17m Tunnel, a 66; ditto, 49; Hawkin'a iuu antral, ManthaU's Hill End, 88, 89; Mount Dudley, 8, Clark's Gold Mines, 89, 40; Bendfgo AmalgHmBted, 14. LONDON SHARE MAItKET. On the Stock Exchange to-day B.II". Proprietary were quowa mi aenn u.if., zoiuj; ount Elliott, 10, 16; Waihl, 268.

a 289; Hamptoa Pro- Of, I oo, INTKUSTATE EXCHANGES ADELAIDE, ftiday. To-day's mining sales and quotations included: Copper: Wallaroo, 286, 289 (B0). Silver: Brokens, 4310f, (six weeks), 486, 44: Block 14, 31. 3, a 32; Block 14, 68, 66, 610; British, old, 194. 191.

1914. a 193; British, ncw, 17 Junctions, flj; North, 288; Sulphide, 119; Zinc corporation, 12. 123 (50), 116, a 126; 209. 81. Gold: Edna May Centra', 46; Battler, 92; Hann iieu xciuuiHiuju, mv, i i muujuro, zo; itivenna OUUUl, MET.BOUItNB, Friday.

To-day's mining salea Included: Stiver-Lead: British B.H., 193; Broken Hill Pro prietary, mh ioj nnnn, kio. Copper: Hampden, 63; Mount Cnthbert, 18. 14: New Guinea. 16: Mount Lvell. 15.

IB1. Tin: Tongkah Harbour, 870; New White Golrt: Bendigo Amalgamated, l6f, 16; Loch Fyne, 29; Horning SUr, 1810, 19; New Lang! Logan, 24, 27, 21; New Blue 112; ditto, pnid. 109, 11; Tyrconncl North, 1B; Miitooroo, 27; ItlTerina South, Hi; Mount (juamoy, 48; ditto, paid, 46: Hoot Julta, if, Edna Hay Batt'er, S2. NAVAL APPOINTMENTS. The following naval anoolnhnents are notiSod 1 Lieutenant Robert F.

Knight, to Cerberus while on passage to England per steamer MHtlade, February 4. Midshipmen. Maurice W. Fly, to Cerberus whilst on passage to cmriana in ursora, January 15: John A. V.

Nlsbet, Herbert dame, John Abbott, Donald P. Wlnen, Hugh J. Barling, Sidney T. Australia; Allan D. Cnirna, Walter li.

S. Rand's, Kills tf. wacKett, to Australia, tor engineering training all to date January 16. Engineer Lieutenant. Edward P.

Tnckett, to Pen guin, lor joicounter ana in reserre (tempo' rorily). Inntniotor Lieutenant John 0. Sister, to Australia, January ifi. Paymaster Cadets.

WflTfam E. McTaugtillo and Frank G. Crowther, to Cerberus for training, Feb- Warrant Engineer. Bdward J. Good tell, to Brisbane, tfuiuiuy xn.

Aucnosr sales nnrmnn awn r.awn BAINK and HOUNE. On th. Ormmd. Osntertrarr. at S.

Dennis on th. Groun, Bondl, at 8,. Cliff ia th. Orownfl, IjIvw. ejl around, ijcnrr.

Kttnte. A tinra andOBMAN.M)n the Ground, Homebnsh, at B. T. FORSYTH, On the Ground, fmieugfcby, at 9.X5, dence. m.

nv anu jjrura. FURNrrUBB ANI MEROnANDIRB. and SON -At 10 PlRsuU-atreet, DulwlA H1H, A JENInNS the Rooms, at WM, Fnr nltore. juimil-At -y, Bmflrlea. irOBoM.

Vimini.lBt nr at Htohin HOnflEfl. TOrnoLBl. am) tTAIlVMll UK TiraLIS and BON. At their naaaar, OauiuenVrsJn. at a.

Tchldes. a.ii ITarnaM. DEALS and CO. At Flemlnirton, at 1.W, Hones. rna mv North Coast Factor! BntUr, CheeM, and "Crown" and Ham.

Adet, J. W. OstAT aaal OoW tM IramstrMt ino- lV iii. ninTfiMKmTi and Lowis. 1-24.

122: Elder's Trustee. 85: Ado. laide Electric, 347; Melbourne Flectrlc, Adelaide Stcamiihlp, IfilOj; S.A. Drewinff, 10; Adelaide Cement, 103; Harris, Scnrfe, 17B (50); IToward Smith, 436, 42; B.A. Wheat, 9-32d, 61fld, 9-32d; ditto U-lOd; ditto ''C," 1 7-lOd; ditto T)." 11-lOd: ditto 71d.

7W. BRISBANE, TrMvr. 1iiTMAn)sntM an tThantr IndliiHawt TTI Chonire included: City Biecinc Lsurnc, orn. paia-on, nix; Loins. 41 ner cent, nondn.

Iff25. B0fi: 4i tier cent. biwrlbed Stock, liTIS, 900; 6 per cent. Bonds, 127. 89: 6 Der crat.

Bonn's. If) SO June 915: 10 Bondi. 6 ner 1923. 98: 6 ner cent, 1027, 812; 0 per 1930, (87 June in- terest), 92. FINANCIAL.

BESERVKS DEFLATION AND TAXATION. The statement ot Lord Inohcape at the annual Meting ot the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Kartgatlon Companr that It the assets were realised at consldorablr below their market Taiuea. there would Still be sufficient to make ample provlalon not only for the shareholdera at tha market price ef the shares to-day, but for all employees ot the compnny, shows the strength which a company may attain by a Judicious good competition throughout from home, Con-, tlnental, and United States buyers moBtly for good merinos, which closed from 10 per accumulation of reserves. Prom th statement shown in the report of the Manly Oas Com-- Lord inchcap. would seen, knowing JTXuSSSU what we do of the stated reserves, that the dend, absorbs 64G0, a sum of 600 Is placed Inner reserves, which are not disclosed, are to the credit of the divlslblo profit account, extremely valuable.

All successful and long-, and, with 220 brought forward, 649 is car-lived companies have theee Inner reserves. "Port states that the market for residuals has been satisfactory. A Perhaps they hav. never been so plainly ncw unlt o( the ncTursI spoken of as ln the case of the maritime com- of erection, and it is Intended to proceed with pany. (the erection of a new gas-holder.

The follow- r-anonslbllltles. If the community only realised the folly of It, those who advocate striltes, Jno control, repudiation or tn- crranlnir taxation, etc. would be afforded accommoda tion with the other poor folks whose mental capacity ia not up to the ordinary standard. COMMONWEALTH INDEBTEDNESS TO BRITAIN. The announcement that the British Trea sury has practically a (creed to fund 40.000.000 of the Cotnmonwealth's Indebtedness to Groat Britain has removed a great deal of uncertainty as to future dealings on the Lon don market.

Wo now know financially where the Commonwealth stands. It has not yet boen stated for what purpose tho loan of 5,000,000 Is belnR raised, but presumably It is 10 ciear on me remainacr or our uoaung Indebtedness to Great Britain. CiWLAM LK AM 1 '1 I Hi I ctpvvt DIJUAM. The report of tho above company, covering lhe year ended December 31, shows a net Proflt of 16.92. with 202 brought for- per Including Interim dividend and a lernmcnt securities, not aubject to Income tax.

jne following comparison ot accounts may do made: Half-year Tear ended ended Tear ended Dec. 31. Dec. 31. Dec.

31. Net profits 8,830, 10,000 10,011 Dividend. P.c 10 Amount of dlv. "O.otiO 10,000 LIABILITIES" 190 1U Capital pd. up 100,000 ..100,000 liewerves 100,000 180,000 os.ooa 8,500 Insurance aco't 31,000 7,000 Hcpuir account 7,000 Euiiflllsstion of dividends 8,000 ContftiRcpcic.

account 830 Sundry credl tors ASSfcTS Kl.lp rroptrtr. 20,900 Freehold property, etc 1.077 5,000 3,597 80,789 18,308 5,004 17,340 U.OtO 1,077 6,7 It, OS 2,181 Workiiig plant 4,570 Sundry debtors 13,131 Bank deposit. 78ou0 3,200 8,148 61.733 100,887 118.800 Includins; bonus of 2 per cent per annum. 1 're Included ia Insurance, llepalrs, and Equalisa- "ovemnient stock, MANLY AS. After Betting aside 3600 for special purposes and depreciation, a nroflt of 62ft) in comparison may be made: 1018.

1010. 1020. 44,805 35,070 6.2S9 132,832 6,630 8 320 88,280 10,050 .80,687 81,210 6,361 8 6,480 6 46o 68,250 21,450 11,400 -inn. ...1.11. i tVl Vi.

"iM3 Per the company consumers, numbered 1062 ln 1807, now totalled Mlv 0 Reei were re-eleoted directors, and Mr. B. Price waa appointed auditor. STOCK EXCHANGE ANNUAL MEETING. ana c.

J. Tltmus, 1 Mr. B. 7.. Dnvlfl.

th. retlrlnar ebalrman did an extended trln to Europe, FINANCIAL CABLES; BANK OP ENGLAND RETURNS. LONDON. Jan. 27.

Returns of tne Bank of England for the week nd To CDinpwrwu wuu tm ween, ago. The reierve In -notes and coin Is pmporjiuo raa 11 a iKS un I circa i anon is z.s,od,uw, comparea wun nnA La ifgi wt i weeks ago. BANK 07 ENGLAND. Notes iasoad Goremment r. debt Other seourl- ties 43old eotaand 31,016,100 fc Vis.

an i BAHKMO DEPAWTMUNT. MJ11.0O) oanltal Public deposits 19,081,000 Otfasr asmrl. uuurnspoaii. em. tb.iot.qisi Bms, mnn-itj.

VMM stSSF QtM mnA kflM. I Tha Bank of EnalAnrl rata la nor oemt. Short loans) ar Quoted hlcter at 6 par cattt. 05,003 I 1 It ls In times such as these that reserves of Plume is giving satisfaction to thousands of motorists who appreciate its punch, its uniformity, and its cleanliness. Plume is a powerful driving force; it is rich in heat units and of great energy; steep hills only serve to prove how good it is.

Plume also gives that extra mileage that makes such a difference to the petrol bill; motorists say it gives them a greater run for their money. Plume is the spirit of accomplishmentready for its work, day in and day out, the year round. V-' If you don't any kind, and especially inner reserves, 0, their true value. For five years there has Expenses, etc. been an uninterrupted period of good business.

Net proSt Profits have been easily come by. Old and conservative companies who have followed Carried forward their practice of placing away each year an FjJlu fjj up addition to their reserves are now to an im-jRrf SPIRIT use Plume. know that Motor Spirits are not all the turn in at the dealer who displays a1 Plume sign, and join the grett army of satisfied Plume users menseiy strong position should falling values At the annual meeting of the shareholders catch them. They oan hold up against falling yesterday, Mr. J.

Leach, chairman of dlreo-values wlLhout contracting the ambit of their torn, presided. In moving tho adoption of the business Inner' reserves will enable torn- report and balance-sheet, the chairman pointed 1 tvlu out that the consumption of gas In 1920 waa panles to meet falling prices and values, and JuBt over 16 per oent ln exceafl of the con. yet continue to show ln the balance-sheets sumption of 1919. Comparing 1907, when surf their' strength undiminished. It will pimply bathing entered upon an era of popularity, with Carbonising sorts advanced 5 per cent.

Cross- breds were in fair demand, but fine sorts declined 10 per cent, compared with the December rates. The following prices were secured: Bundn-rce, 40; Konghool, highest 33, average 32; Mortat, 86a, 34; and B.B., 27, 23. BRADFORD TOPS. The Bradford tops market ls firm, with but llttlo business. Quotations February-March shipments: 64's, 51; 66's, 45; 60'a, 28; and 46's, 18.

BUTTER DECLINING. Butter Is steadily declining. Tho Government is now purchasing Danish brands at 226 f.o-b., compared with 296 ln mid-December, CEREALS. The wheat market la quiet. The demand Is slow.

Flour ls dull, Bakers are holding off In the hope ot further reductions. Holders ask 686 ci.f. for Australian flour due to arrive- at the end of February. Oats are easier. La Plata, on Bpot, are quoted at from 936 to 846 a quarter.

Barley ls qulot. Australian on spot la offered at from 75 to 88 a quarter. Peas ana Deans are quiet ana uncnangea. SUGAR. Granulated sugar ls quoted at 72 per owt.

PRODUCE. DAIRY. CASE EGGS FIRMKR. There waa an unproved demand for caae etrgi yester day, and prices were slightly firmer. Consiffunienta irom toe Nortnern ltrven commanaea irom iiu tn uln woaK railway centres.

mere wm no movement in new-laid which again sold at from 27 to The market was well stocked with butter. The arrivals totalled 2500 boxes. Good supplies ot cheese and honey were also and torne or tVS 'oBfe brand's nrrt.i were again unable to accept all the orders offering. quotations were: Butter. Choicest, 2754i second-grade, ITls; thirds mrl.

9.KII twp mt Honey. 01b tins, choice, ft to txxl from 0 per iu. Beeswax. 111 to tfl, accordinf; to quality. Lard.

Bulk, 14, In packets 11 per lb. Eggs. Hon; New-lald, 27 to 88; cue. 110 to il.nn nimk tn QA. Cheese.

Large and medium, wholesale, 12; retail, 15; loaf, wholesale, 121; retail, 161 per lb. Bacon. New South Wales brands, aides 181. flitches -i fa mtfMi. lint shoulder, lft.

Jams; New South Wales brands, single cloth, 211, In seed 23 per lb. R.llan. and N.ptlinm RlMr Mnnlmtlimtl! Pnnltrv. Rnllwav and Northern River consignments: Old hens, 60 to 70; roosters, 8. to 12; Muscovy Iducks, 6 to 7e; Maravy erases, 8 re Jt pair.

Unaimon. Ellin ntirl MmlUd. renort ItaVlnff obtained the following prices at ita auction sales oa v. Wotar ht-n 27 to 98: rmilwars and rlvera, 110 to 62j duck, now laid to i8, caaei from 8 per doaen. ilooHters! rime young 10 ttood 0 to 11, medium, light, and old from 6 to 8, Ln Ain ruf nnfr Hpim; Prima haavv tn 13.

Irood 8 to tp medium, light, small, and old from 67. Drakes. Muacovy. clioice young to 186, good nto 13. 12, medium, iignt, rami, ui muui Moacmr.

ice.younitj Ught. smalls nQ Oia irom upwaruo, ii wav young to 96, good 7ti to 8fl, medium, light, and i.u"V,8 Son. to hand. 4.. un medium.

imht, nmii from 10. f. i To mt unlr: oiseoni, to 8 per pair. Th. of the demand good wr oi- i- abov pneea.

FORAGE AND GRAIN. Thr wen no trioe movement in tne farm produce uwuu uisuiosoa. uusineeses wnicn nave useu Up all the nroflta which the food vear. have luo pronts wnicn tne goou yeare nave given them, or which, although retaining a 8923, an Increase -o( 269.1 per and the considerable part ot those pronto In the busl-'output -of gas had gone up from 17,600,000 have suoceedod to extent of tobtoteetto ISOWfiOO Jub'c f'-f Wnrkln. A.nlt.l In Ol 446.4 per CSUt.

Dr. J. MncdOnttld Bill and accommodation, will be. the flrst In whom weakness will make Itself appear when a con traction of trade reaohea 'thorn. When re- -serves are disclosed their accumulation; over The annual meeting ot members ot the 8yd-.

a' tew yeara affords a temptation to share-' ney Stock Exchange was held yesterday. holders to aBk for, and to dlrectora to reoom-' F- Steel wa chairman. Mr. V. A.

nwiid diairihMtinn -h 1 Browuhill was re-eleoted vice-chairman, and dWrtbuUim ot a portion ot th. r-IMr 0 Degenhardt hon. treasurer. The generally In the form of added committee waa eleotodr-Mcsera. A.

ITiat Is what has boen taking place the last L. Mullens, A. H. North, J. Palmer, F.

TUley, months, increases of capital have been built' tin In th. aeek re-election, owing to his departure weuitsnBo iu. rnwi uBt oeen uaea as capital, out oy put- ting the amount which they. 'represent -among the issued and paid up capital of the company the dividend declared wontd more truly represent the dividend on the actual capital of the company, and not- an ap parent excessive rate on the former paid np eapiui. Laraelr thla waa a m.ttai- ot noli- Mm im.

tics, Bother It waa at the same time good r. u. vruuis aimimsn tne rate ol dividend, too, voriorco aiminlsn. TBs amount so dl mining i. minisncd would.

It la true, at 111 hare been dl- nlnlBhed it "uiBnea eren If tho reserves had not been into the additional capital will have Inevitably brought ln more hareholders, and so tho distribution will have to be; over a wider It more easy to J. make 100 shareholders content with a rtdnoed dividenif than 160 shareholders. After all, companies whloh Increased -their capital from reserves will-still be in a trong position, even with falling values. what will the position of companies which hftvo Inoreaaed thoir capital by an pprsoia- Where tha appreciation has -been made simply aa a means ot distributing inner reserves Consistently accumulated tho position win lw tb with thos. com-pnoles whloli hav.

so usad thslr dlaolosed re- wtm. Bat. whsr th Alatiibatloa ot saw fWlj Vacuum Oil aectlon of Suawx-street yatmay. Av, PT00! IW0, H. T.

SMITHEBS. At Town Han, Lldeombe, at 8, Oat-bagi of malM waa available from the Northern luveis. tnffes. I mnloa worm tn hfid at tfOttj 6fl OlflTn DDnO A aisV nJ BIN Vila uCTir 'y IT -j- iv. to s1) bushel.

Up to Jorm; "5 Victorian aijd 1 'ram to ton. Vt.ble wot rttsi-ly st th, ptevlou. dsr's lmto. A mall shipment ol, llSO bag. ot.ltatr.

tecelTed Jrorj I th aiM" IBIr, thu. Imllcstlng Mason In that dUtriot, la Brsctlcallj Unlabel la DrsctlMllT I QuoUtlon. tin net P- ton ettrs for booWuind dellTerr. Brani a ton net cash at mill.

alia a ton net coah at net Foraga. Luiwn. llay. Hunter Blfer, ion. And Tletortan.

,19 to ol a dusdh. hum. -Mortbm ttlrm. to stso a torn. vatabl rouuoat, vuanno.

suwr. I.

The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)
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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.